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Welcome / Bemvindos


I, and The Our Lady of Fatima CCD, wish to welcome each and every one of you. Our Parish's Religious Education Program is offered to students from First Grade through Confirmation who do not attend Catholic schools. Our dedicated catechists help our young people to grow in faith and come to a deeper awareness of Catholic values and beliefs.


Families must be registered parishioners, and children need to register for the Religious Education program. A minimum of two consecutive years of Religious Education is required by the Archdiocese of Newark for the reception of all sacraments.


I hope this page will help you with some questions you might have.


 Laura Martins,

Parish Catechetical Leader




The Faith formation of your child is a cooperative effort between you as parents and the Religious Education Volunteers of Our Lady of Fatima Parish. If you are a parishioner of this Parish and your child(ren) attends a non-Catholic school, your child(ren) should be registered in the Religious Education Program. Students who were in the 2023-2024 Program and new Students must be (re-)registered before classes begin in September 2024.


If you are registering your child for the first time you will need to bring a copy of the Baptismal Certificate or a Transfer Letter if your child is coming from another parish CCD program.



A formação na Fé do seu filho é um esforço cooperativo entre vós, pais, e os Voluntários do Ensino Religioso na nossa Paróquia. Se és um paroquiano/a desta Paróquia e seu(s) filho(s) frequenta uma escola não católica, ele(s) deve(m) ser inscrito(s) no Programa de Educação Religiosa, também chamado de Catequese. Os alunos que estavam no Programa 2023-2024 e os novos alunos devem ser matriculados antes do início das aulas em Setembro de 2024.


Se é pela primeira vez, será necessário trazer uma cópia da Certidão de Batismo ou uma Carta de Transferência se seu filho vier de outro programa catequético paroquial.


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82-84 Congress St., Newark, NJ. 07105 - 1802 | Tel: 973-589-8433

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